Croft CEO Speaks at University Industry Consortium Conference

Croft CEO Scott Prince was an invited speaker at the recent 2023 University Industry Consortium (UIC) Fall Conference held October 24-26 in Chicago. The UIC is an organization comprised of industry, academia, associations and government focused on collaborating for the future of food production.

Scott spoke on a panel addressing the critical issue of labor shortages in the agricultural industry. He discussed how runaway labor costs make farm profits and affordable food difficult for over 250,000 farms, with 15,000 farms forced to use the H-2A temporary agricultural program. Croft provides solutions through its agribusiness workforce platform.

Croft serves as a smart operating system for farms using technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence and natural language processing. It starts by streamlining digital worker data and workflows to better manage labor - one of the biggest costs for farms. Building on that foundation, Croft then provides actionable insights to optimize worker productivity and success. By matching workers, jobs and situations, Croft drives lower costs and higher productivity.

Other agenda topics at this year’s UIC Conference  included diversity, equity and inclusion objectives in agriculture as well as examining the use of big data and AI in the industry. Attendees represented top companies, universities and organizations across crops, livestock, food production, equipment and more.

The UIC facilitates important discussions that shape the future of the agricultural sector. We at Croft appreciate conferences like this that allow collaboration and knowledge sharing to move the industry forward in a positive direction.

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